Friday, October 21, 2016

8 Hours in Munich

Have I mentioned Christy & I tend wander?

Well, wander is what we do oh so well when we are together, and whoever gets the privilege of adventuring with us is dragged along for the ride.  For better or worse.  In this instance it was my sister!  Corridors, alleyways, open doors that may have been locked, human sized doggy doors, up towers, down sewers (yep), circles and straight paths, getting the lay of the land. WALKING MILES. Its just so much better to walk a town when it is your first visit there, particularly those that have cobblestone streets.  So many little distinctions may be missed if you are not afoot! Here are a few of the typical places you will by default find yourself as you wander Munchen....

1. Marienplatz & Neues Rathaus (New Town Hall)

When I see old buildings my first instinct is to somehow find a way inside; perhaps by a legit entrance or perhaps not.  I'm sad to say that after walking around this beautiful building and then "sneaking" into it via an unlocked door, we find that it is indeed the town hall and accessible to all--free and with many open doors apparently on all sides of the structure. Dang it. We climbed stairs after stairs ascending to the highest possible floor of which we could gain entrance.


 The United States Alcove? For reals.  Those are random stain glass of Lincoln, Edison, Carnegie, Washington and Franklin? We found it intriguing. 

 I promise the clock tower is not leaning...just my unsteady vertical panorama hand...

2. Hofbrauhaus

One of the oldest beer halls in Munich with events from many centuries occurring on these very floors.  Do you see those beautiful floral designs upon the ceiling? Do they remind you of another pattern? Perhaps a swastika?  Yep.  Definitely may have been redesigned... Look at all that wood!!!  Floors, benches, trims, walls, stage in the middle of the room with a live band, all so very beautiful.

3. Maypoles, maypoles everywhere!

4. Viktualienmark (Victuals Market)

Beautiful farmer's market-like atmosphere.

5. Chocolaterie Beluga

Chocolate (along with Paris) is always a good idea. Especially when it is a blustery, slightly rainy day and you've already been walking for 6 hours and might be suffering from a bit of jet-lag.

6. Side-Street Sightings

7. Alter Peter Tower Climb

If you love spectacular landscape city views, I highly recommend this trek.  Just make sure you get your correct change from the gate keeper as he charges you to go up.  I was not a sucker to his scams but my sister may have been....its ok.  I got scammed my first day in Paris a few years back at a gelato shop and I have never forgotten my lesson.

8. Odeonplatz

Now that I have had my first introduction to Munich, I look very much forward to hitting it again.  This next time I hope my wanderings to take me through various side streets, neighborhoods, lesser known beautiful restaurants, and squares not so overrun by tourists.  It truly is so beautiful and so filled with such a history, both good and ugly.  I am so honored to have been able to visit and I'm sure next time will be just as great, yet to a different degree. :)