Thursday, October 25, 2012

Dry Shampoo?

This is merely a note to myself.

I love how pinterest works with its own bulletin boards for every and anything under the sun...well, this blog is probably gonna turn out to be something more like pinterest than a legit blog.

I found this "article" while scanning the BLDG25 blog at Free People and am intrigued.  As most of you who know me know during the summer, its hard to get me to take a real shower. (EW..yeah whatever you know you've done it.) The pool, lawn hose and sprinklers are usually enough.  But ever since I've heard about this dry shampoo phenomenon I've wondered and being the thrifty person I am (or perhaps cheap-skate?) I don't want to pay that money for a product of unknown quality.  So here is the blog link and the idea.  Thank you Free People bloggers for the tip!